Why marketingcompanies are thriving

Hi this is my blog for informing the world about the online marketing agences and why it is important to engage with one.

I am from the Netherlands and last year i was Sofia Bulgaria where i spoke to a girl who was studying online marketing. Soon i was surprised. Bulgaria, online marketing? HA? But she explained me that also the trend is triving here and many companies are going online. So when having the expertise for SEO and SEA i really think you can earn a lot of money in Bulgaria. I have met a online marketing company called gewoonbovenaan.nl which is a very funny name. in english we would translate it to:''just above''.

If you have knowledge about internet and making websites it is easier to learn it. There was a shop called Oosterheert Optiek it is a opticien from Groningen from a big city who rented a online marketing company. he told me it cost a lot of money but with increasing visitors to his shop where sold 10% more glasses it was soon profitable.

I also spoke to a smaller shop called Barts Food factory he makes buitenkeukens (outside kitchen) like a bbq etc and he told me that the site visitors increased by 254% (!) my sweet dear that is enormous. so the conclusion is. Invest in online marketing,
